Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Experimenting with Garage Band in music

Show not Tell!

This term, one of our writing goals is to add detail to our writing. One way to do this is to 'show' rather than 'tell'. This also makes our writing way more interesting for the reader too!
We looked at these pictures of the mudslide at camp and talked about what emotions we might feel before, during and after the slide experience. Below is how we would 'show' rather than 'tell' those emotions.
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Adrenaline, pumped up, amped, exhilerated
Blood pumping through my veins .
My heart felt like it was running laps
I could feel the adrenaline pumping through my
my face lit up when I saw the slide

racing down the track
my heart felt like it was about to break out of my chest because it was beating so hard
My heart began pounding against my chest alex
My heart began pounding against my chest

I feel the blood pumping through my body .Then I throw myself off.
I could feel my eyes getting wider and wider as I was getting closer to the end. Laura
 My eyes popping out of my face.

I could feel my eyes popping out of my head as I got to the bottom. Laura
Christie: i felt my eyes getting bigger and wider as if they were going to POP out in front of me
I looked down and my stomach dropped
letting people in front of me to prepare for it chris    
The butterflies woke up in my tummy when I saw the length of the slide. By Chloe
I felt the butterflies swarming in my stomach
My stomach dropped with nerves like my heart just dropped out of my stomach
My heart was beating and the eels were squirming  in my tummy. Laura The butterflies entered my stomach .
i was feeling really twitchy dean
I gulped as I sped down the slide
I stood at the back of the line hoping that I didn’t get seen
I stood right at the back of the line, I would do anything to not do this.
My heart was beating faster than I could imagine.
Christie: I felt my smile go from one cheek to the other as the smile grew wider and wider as my dimples went in further.
My face had adopted a smile as I exited the mud
There was a smile on my face.
The unecspected face came out of nowhere.
I felt my smile get bigger and bigger

I felt my worries disappear as I climbed out of water
When my legs pulled my hypo body out of the mud pit a big wave of relief rushes through my body - Maddie
I was of the slide all of my eels were gone and I felt like a hole lot of weight was of my shoulders. Laura
As it ended i calmed down .

Soooo glad that that was over.
I was drunk with success. alex
I felt sore            I felt as if I had just biked a marathon on a carbon seat. alex
My butt ached
My butt was throbbing, there were way too many bumps.

Monday, 22 February 2016

ASB Get Wise

Today we were very lucky to have Kimble from the ASB Get Wise programme come to visit us. He talked to us all about how to be good with money including saving, goal setting, and making smart financial decisions. We learned heaps and had some good laughs too. Thanks ASB!

Thursday, 11 February 2016

TK House Swimming

On Wednesday TK house walked down to the Village Pools for a house swimming competition. We started off with the usual freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly, then moved on to some fun class races. We finished off the day with some free swim time. The cool down was just what we needed!

Thursday, 4 February 2016

Introducing Room 15 - 2016

Welcome back to HNI! What a fantastic bunch of kids we have in Room 15.  We're off to a very positive start to the year and I just know that 2016 is going to be the best! So many exciting things coming up... Bring it on!

-Miss Pitt